We use nothing but the best and most recent hosting and related software
available. We have an experienced staff that know how to install and
support all software that we offer. Programmers are available for clients
in need of custom versions.
All software featured here is included with every account
with the exception of Site Studio. Site Studio can be added to your
account by purchasing it directly from your
account here.
Site Studio - Click
to demo Only $49 per year.
SiteStudio is a full featured, browser-based Web site building
tool designed to let even a novice create professional, multi-page
web sites. It features vibrant, professional designs and pre-built
templates to speed your Web site development. It is both easy and
powerful. There are plenty of predesigned templates to choose from.
CPanel Control Panels
- click
to demo
with every account.
The Cpanel interface is a client side interface, which
allows your customers to easily control a web hosting account. With
the touch of a button, they can add e-mail accounts, access their
files, backup their files, setup a shopping cart, and more. The
WebHost Manager Interface allows Web Hosting companies to control
the accounts on their servers. Through WebHost Manager you can add/remove
accounts on a server, park or point domains, control bandwidth,
disk space, and more.
Free with every
An amazing CPanel/PHP based Web application. It integrates
with CPanel and gives your clients the ability to automatically
install numerous Open Source Applications. Click on the links
below to demo the range of software.
Web Host Manager - click
to demo Free with every Reseller
or Turnkey account
You and your clients will be in control of every aspect of
the Web Hosting World. With an administrator interface through WebHost
Manager, and an end user interface through Cpanel, every part of
your hosting operations are covered. From e-mail to MySQL, everything
is taken care of with WebHost Manager and Cpanel. With our new features,
Cpanel and WebHost Manager are easier to use then ever.